Friday, March 27, 2009

Channel 1 News 3/27/09

The white house has been very busy. It has been busy looking at all of the Questions that have been sent to the White house. If i was the president then i would be very busy trying to make the world a better place. I am so glad that we have no snow in our town. I can not wait til summer comes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Channel 1 News 3/24/09

Every 60 seconds there are videos being posted. This person had put a video on YouTube about Obama, and now people want to go and meet him.

I think that the government needs to stop taking money from us because it is costing some people there jobs. It makes me feel bad when i hear of a family that can't feed there family or have to sleep out on the street.It is just wrong.

Having herd about the plane crash makes me feel really bad because i am going to be flying next week and it makes me feel bad for the people that were on the plane.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Channel 1 News 3/19/09

Mothers and Fathers are having a hard time to send there children to college because of the money problems. I would love to go to college but i don't think that i can because we don't have the money.

When i hear of kids that have been texting while driving it makes me think"huh they are not doing something good. they could be in a very bad accident. They need to stop texting while they are driving." That is what i think about texting while driving.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Channel 1 News 3/6/09

46 million Americans don't have insurance. I think that it is just wrong to not give people money to support their families. I fell very sad that the coaches now will not give the kids breaks to get water because they think that it will waste to much time, and then they wont get things done. I think that they should get as many breaks as they need, because i would rather have the kids have water then having them die from a heat stroke.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Channel 1 News 3/4/09

Ticket master already owns 80% of the worlds tickets. When you go and buy a ticket for a concert i don't think that people think that they are getting ripped off by this ticket master thing.

People are trying to get other people to buy more things by lowering things. When you go into a store the clerks try to get u to buy things so that they will get more money. I think that its just wrong.

I think that snowboarding is awesome. You can meet new people and you can also go new places. I have been snowboarding for 6 years and i have never had an injury, and i also hope that i never do. I love it.It is so much fun.